Neighbourhood Plans need to be developed on the back of robust evidence. A neighbourhood plan must comply with the basic conditions in the Localism Act and the 2012 Neighbourhood Planning Regulations. While the evidence requirements are not as rigorous as those for a Local Planning Authority in its plan making, the need for evidence to underpin a neighbourhood plan is important.


Regulation 16 Consultation

Below are documents relating to the Borough Council of Wellingborough’s Regulation 16 Consultation and legal check of the Neighbourhood Plan


Submission Plan

Below is the Earls Barton Neighbourhood Plan submission version and supporting documents which have been submitted with the Plan to the Borough Council of Wellingborough in June 2014.


Local Work

Below are documents used by the Earls Barton Neighbourhood Plan Group that have been used in the development of the Neighbourhood Plan.



Planning Policy

Below are a series of documents and reports that are relevant to the preparation of the Earls Barton Neighbourhood Plan.

Neighbourhood Plans need to be in conformity with higher level plans and also have regard to national planning policy as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Below are the key documents from the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy which forms the key part of the Local Development Plan as well as the NPPF.





North Northamptonshire 2011-31



Economy & Employment


Northamptonshire and the evidence base for this




Open Space/Sports Facilities


Northamptonshire Area

Nature conservation, environmental character and green infrastructure


Flood Risk


Built Heritage


Settlement Hierarchy


Stakeholder & Community Engagement




Earls Barton Neighbourhood Plan Project Team