Earls Barton Neighbourhood Plan

Hearing 29 April 2015


Indicative Programme

The programme sets out the order of proceedings.  The timings are indicative and will be varied as necessary.

In all cases parties may be represented by professional advisers.

09.30              Introductions

09.35              Examiner’s introductory remarks on the scope and conduct of the hearing

09.45              Strategic Environmental Assessment

  1. Borough Council of Wellingborough
  2. Earls Barton Parish Council
  3. Redrow Homes

11.00.            Break

11.15              The scale of development

  1. Redrow Homes
  2. Ms Sue Struss
  3. Borough Council of Wellingborough
  4. Earls Barton Parish Council

13.00              Lunch Break

14.00              The Location of Development

  1. Redrow Homes
  2. Mrs JM Beatty and Mrs I Clarke
  3. Mr and Mrs M Coulton
  4. Earls Barton Parish Council
  5. Borough Council of Wellingborough

16.00              Close